RSIP Mechanical Issues


Window and door mechanical issues, defined as material items on a window or door that are physically not functioning and would have been covered by the original manufacturer’s warranty and addressed by the manufacturer upon receipt of a valid warranty claim, have been reported by a small percentage of homeowner​s who have participated in the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP or Program) and are not able to receive warranty service from the manufacturer. To date, the CDA has confirmed mechanical issues in approximately 1,650 homes. Homeowners that have had an odor confirmed in their homes may be eligible to receive repairs for their mechanical issues while they are awaiting window and door replacements. Warranty service work continues in homes under the On-Call Warranty Services contract.

In early February 2022, the CDA mailed warranty inspection notice letters to homeowners​​ who had RSIP-installed products from a manufacturer that is no longer in business and the products were in warranty on June 12, 2014, or later ("in warranty"). If you are experiencing any issues with your RSIP windows or doors​, and have previously contacted the RSIP regarding a warranty claim but have not scheduled a warranty inspection​​, the CDA encourages you to contact the Program Office via email at [email protected] or call (773) 838-5632 for homes near Midway or call (773) 894-3636 for homes near O’Hare. The Program Office will coordinate with you to schedule a warranty​ inspection. If the warranty claim is validated, your home will be eligible to receive repairs from the CDA contractor. If you have already informed us of at least one mechanical issue for the windows or doors in your home, you do not need to request an additional warranty inspection. Please be aware that the timing of warranty service repairs is dependent on available funding and the scheduling of homes.

Mechanical Issues Overview and Timeline

​For over 28 years, the RSIP has worked to mitigate airport noise on behalf of the communities near Chicago’s airports. The Program is designed to reduce the effects of aircraft noise inside the home, with the goal of achieving a quie​ter environment and better quality of life for residents located within the highest impacted areas affected by aircraft noise. To date, the City of Chicago​ (City) ​has sound-insulated more than 22,200 homes near O’Hare and Midway. Approximately 8 percent of the homes insulated, in which the manufacturer of the windows and doors went out of business, have experienced window or door mechanical issues.

RSIP Mechanica​l ​Is​sues ​Su​mm​a​ry

​The windows at these homes were manufactured by Sound Solutions Windows & Doors, LLC (Sound Solutions). Sound Solutions closed its window manufacturing facility in June 2014. At that time, there were over 99,000 windows in warranty at over 6,300 homes near O’Hare and Midway. Sound Solutions failed to honor those warranties, so the CDA decided to address the warranty service for homeowners who contact the Program Office by issuing field orders to current construction contractors. These warranty service repairs began in June 2014 and continue to be performed on windows that have safety, security, or water infiltration issues.

The RSIP-installed vinyl windows come with a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty. April 2014 was the last month that the RSIP installed windows that were manufactured by Sound Solutions; therefore, the last of the original warranties for those windows expired in April 2024.

In response to complaints reported by some residents experiencing mechanical issues with windows and doors installed as part of the RSIP, the CDA performed mechanical repairs on over 500 ​hom​es under previous contracts. Mechanical repairs, for RSIP-installed vinyl windows or storm doors, include the necessary repairs and servicing f​or valid warranty claims requested by the homeowner. The City awarded an On-Call Warranty Services contract in January 2022 to resolve these issues, as well as any future issues in homes that are still within warranty.​ ​Within this contract, over 690​ homes have received repairs.​

If you are experiencing any issues with your RSIP windows or doors and previously contacted the RSIP regarding a warranty claim but have not scheduled a warranty inspection​, the CDA encourages you to contact the Program Office via email at [email protected] or call (773) 838-5632 for homes near Midway or call (773) 894-3636 for homes near O’Hare. 


​Warranty Service Process 

​Since the City awarded an On-Call Warranty Services contract, the following typical steps occur in order to have service performed in homes that had products in warranty June 12, 2014, or later (applicable for products where the manufacturer is no longer in business), and the homeowner has previously contacted the RSIP regarding a warranty claim:
  • ​​A homeowner calls the RSIP to make a warranty claim and request a warranty inspection.
  • ​​The RSIP performs a warranty ​inspection to validate the warranty claim.
  • ​Following the warranty inspection, a scope development meeting in the home will be performed by the homeowner, the RSIP, and the contractor to determine what repairs are needed and determine what materials will need to be ordered for those repairs.
  • ​​The RSIP will call you to schedule an appointment for the contractor to perform the warranty service work.​

Common Questions related to Window and Door Mechanical Issues and Repairs 

NOTE: The phrase “Mechanical Issues and Repairs” refers to material items on a window or door that are physically not functioning and would have been covered by the original manufacturer’s warranty and addressed by the manufacturer upon receipt of a valid warranty claim. Mechanical issues may include, for example, broken parts or difficulty operating windows and/or storm doors.

QM01:      ​​Are my windows and doors under warranty? 
AM01:      The warranty duration, of your RSIP-installed windows and doors, can be​ found in the warranty package you received after the completion of the original sound insulation work in your home. If you cannot locate your warranty package or need assistance interpreting the document, please call the Program Office at (773) 838-5632 for Midway homes or (773) 894-3636 for O’Hare homes.

QM02:     The manufacturer for my windows/storm doors went out of business and I am having issues with my window/storm door. Could you please provide me with more information? 
AM02:     If the original warranty period for your windows or storm doors was in effect June 12, 2014, or later from a company that is no longer in business​​, and you previously contacted the RSIP regarding a warranty claim​, a warranty inspection can be performed in your home to verify your warranty claim. Please contact the Program Office via email at [email protected]​ or call (773) 838-5632 for homes near Midway or call (773) 894-3636 for homes near O’Hare.

QM03:     My windows are having mechanical issues. What can be done? 
AM03:     If the original warranty period for your windows or storm doors was in effect as of June 12, 2014, or later from a company that is no longer in business, and you previously contacted the RSIP regarding a warranty claim, a warranty inspection can be performed in your home to verify your warranty claim. If your appointment has not been scheduled yet, please contact the Program Office via email at ​ [email protected] or call (773) 838-5632 for homes near Midway or call (773) 894-3636 for homes near O’Hare. The City awarded the On-Call Warranty Services contract to perform repairs for valid warranty claims.​ ​​

QM04:     When did Sound Solutions Windows & Doors, LLC go out of business? 
AM04:     Sound Solutions went out of business on June 12, 2014. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Program Office via email at [email protected] or call (773) 838-5632 for Midway homes or (773) 894-3636 for homes near O’Hare. ​

QM05​:     ​I had Republic windows installed in my home and now have mechanical issues. What can be done? 
AM05:      If you are experiencing mechanical issues with your RSIP-installed windows, and they were covered by the original warranty as of June 12, 2014, and you previously contacted the RSIP regarding a warranty claim, a warranty inspection can be performed in your home to verify your warranty claim. ​ Please contact the Program Office via email at [email protected]​ or call (773) 838-5632 for homes near Midway or call (773) 894-3636 for homes near O’Hare.  

QM06:     I had Mon-Ray storm doors installed in my home and received materials as part of a warranty claim. What can be done? 
AM06:     Mon-Ray was responsible for providing the replacement parts for a valid warranty claim, and Maxwell was responsible for providing the labor to install the parts. If you have previously contacted Mon-Ray with a warranty claim and were provided with repair/replacement parts but Maxwell did not provide the labor to install these parts, you are encouraged to call the RSIP Midway office at (​773) 838-5632 or email the RSIP at [email protected] by March 2024.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the ​Program Office via email at [email protected] or call (773) 838-5632 for Midway homes or (773) 894-3636​ for homes near O’Hare.​​​​​